Salman, A., El-Desouky, H., Abdel-Al, F. (2018). The optimum Properties of Treated Knitted Fabrics to Resist Growth of Bacteria (candida albicans). International Design Journal, 8(1), 185-194. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.86300
Ahmed Ali Salman; Heba Asem El-Desouky; Fatima Shazly Abdel-Al. "The optimum Properties of Treated Knitted Fabrics to Resist Growth of Bacteria (candida albicans)". International Design Journal, 8, 1, 2018, 185-194. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.86300
Salman, A., El-Desouky, H., Abdel-Al, F. (2018). 'The optimum Properties of Treated Knitted Fabrics to Resist Growth of Bacteria (candida albicans)', International Design Journal, 8(1), pp. 185-194. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.86300
Salman, A., El-Desouky, H., Abdel-Al, F. The optimum Properties of Treated Knitted Fabrics to Resist Growth of Bacteria (candida albicans). International Design Journal, 2018; 8(1): 185-194. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.86300
The optimum Properties of Treated Knitted Fabrics to Resist Growth of Bacteria (candida albicans)
1Professor of Spinning and Weaving and Knitting, Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University
2Professor of Clothes and Textiles, Faculty of Qualitative Education, Ain Shams University.
3Department of Clothing and Textiles, Faculty of Qualitative Education, Ain Shams University
This research is one of the experimental researches aimed at identifying the best type of material, structural structure, treatment material, machine type and gauge) that achieve the best functional and aesthetic properties of the fabrics produced. It deals with the production of knitted fabrics, which are treated against microbes (bacteria, fungus) and also have functional and aesthetic properties that serve the final product. The specifications of the research samples (100% cotton, 65% cotton / 35% polyester) were used. Three structural structures were used. Various types of materials were used (ketoosan, titanium dioxide, Ketosane - titanium oxide), gouge machine (18,20,24, 28), and thread used in the production of samples 30/1. After the production process, the wet primary treatments were carried out (scouring - bleaching). These fabrics were then equipped with ketosane, titanium nitrate, ketosane and titanium oxide, resistant to the growth of some microbes (bacteria, fungus) for these fabrics (electrical resistance, air permeability, explosion resistance, absorption)
The resistance of microbes was increased from 0 to 15.7 with bacteria of staph type and increased from 0 to 13.7 mm. (0 to 16.1) type Candida mushrooms while not affecting the type of fungus Aspergillusniger.
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