Mohammed, A., Hassan, R. (2018). An Aesthetical study on the use of Roman Lace in University Student Clothes. International Design Journal, 8(1), 99-109. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.86220
Asmaa Ali Ahmed Mohammed; Ragaa Mostafa Mohammed Hassan. "An Aesthetical study on the use of Roman Lace in University Student Clothes". International Design Journal, 8, 1, 2018, 99-109. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.86220
Mohammed, A., Hassan, R. (2018). 'An Aesthetical study on the use of Roman Lace in University Student Clothes', International Design Journal, 8(1), pp. 99-109. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.86220
Mohammed, A., Hassan, R. An Aesthetical study on the use of Roman Lace in University Student Clothes. International Design Journal, 2018; 8(1): 99-109. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.86220
An Aesthetical study on the use of Roman Lace in University Student Clothes
Lecturer of Clothing and Textile , Home Economics Department, Faculty of Specific Education, Assuit University
Lacquer is characterized by the fact that it is the most widespread and dazzling in the world as well as crocheting, knitting and embroidery. It is characterized by the fact that it is a favorite for the owners of high taste and gives the clothing a glamorous and attractive and give it a character of luxury and excellence. The lace works are not expensive at all, but they need a little patience and precision to get great results. Through research in previous research and studies on the art of lace, the use of lace art was found in units to enrich clothes and furnishings. The researchers did not find out to the extent of their knowledge of the Roman lace in the creation of clothing suitable for university students. Therefore, the current research is limited to the aesthetics of Roman lace and to use it in the production of innovative clothes Statement of the problem: -What is the extent to which Roman lace can be used to produce innovative clothes suitable for university students? Research Objective: The possibility of taking advantage of Roman lace in the implementation of creative designs clothing for university students, to identify the different techniques of Roman lace and method of implementation, A proposed design of the designs and decorative units of the product (Bolero), Some of the proposed designs (bolero) in Roman Latina using appropriate techniques and methods of implementation, - To identify the extent of the consumer's ability to wear clothes in the style of Roman lace. Methodology: descriptive approach: in the description and analysis of the proposed designs of decorative units and pieces executed using Roman lace -Applied approach: through the implementation of a selection of designs that receive the acceptance of the specialists who have received the highest grades by them. Results There is a difference between the quality coefficients in the order of the six designs proposed according to the opinions of specialists. The result of the first hypothesis that the third design is the best designs, then the fifth design, then the second design, then the first design, then the fourth design, and then the sixth design. There are differences of statistical significance between the four pieces implemented aesthetically according to the opinions of the arbitrators. The value of (P) was (27.342), which is a statistically significant value at the level of (0.01), indicating the existence of differences between the four pieces aesthetically according to the views of the arbitrators, and to know the direction of significance T test. There are differences of statistical significance between the four pieces implemented in the quality of implementation according to the views of the arbitrators. There are statistically significant differences between the quality coefficients of the executed pieces according to consumer opinions.To verify the validity of the hypothesis, the frequency and percentage of consumer responses were calculated in the items of the consumer survey questionnaire in the four parts implemented.Interpretation of the result of the fourth hypothesis
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