Youssef, G., Al-Ablani, I. (2018). The effectiveness of an educational channel on the World Wide Web For teaching clothes implementation techniques. International Design Journal, 8(2), 417-426. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.86141
Gehan Fahmy Mostafa Youssef; Ilham Ahmed Al-Ablani. "The effectiveness of an educational channel on the World Wide Web For teaching clothes implementation techniques". International Design Journal, 8, 2, 2018, 417-426. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.86141
Youssef, G., Al-Ablani, I. (2018). 'The effectiveness of an educational channel on the World Wide Web For teaching clothes implementation techniques', International Design Journal, 8(2), pp. 417-426. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.86141
Youssef, G., Al-Ablani, I. The effectiveness of an educational channel on the World Wide Web For teaching clothes implementation techniques. International Design Journal, 2018; 8(2): 417-426. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.86141
The effectiveness of an educational channel on the World Wide Web For teaching clothes implementation techniques
1Assistant Professor of Clothes Manufacturing, Faculty of Designs and Arts, Princess Nourah bint Abdul Rahman University, and the Faculty of Home Economics - Helwan University
2Professor of Patron Design and Assistant Clothing Design, College of Art and Design, Princess Nora Bint Abdul Rahman University
The current era is characterized with knowledge and technological expansion in the use of the Internet. This made the world an e-village. Countries have begun to feel the growing importance of information upbringing through providing an interactive learning and training environment that attracts the attention of individuals in an era characterized with the continuous development and change through functioning the information technology and the Internet in education. The problem of research can be determined in the following questions: 1 - What is the extent of utilizing the World Wide Web in the implementation of clothes techniques? 2 - What is the effectiveness of the pilot unit of the proposed channel in providing the female students with the skills included in the experimental unit? 3- What is the effectiveness of the proposed educational channel in learning the techniques of implementing clothes for the third level female students in the Department of Fashion Design and Textile? Objectives of the research: The research aims to the following: 1. Designing the presentation of the content of a specialized educational channel on the world wide web to teach the techniques of the implementation of clothes. 2 - Measurement of the effectiveness of an educational unit within the specialized educational channel proposed in the education of techniques for the implementation of clothes regarding the skills aspects. Significance of the research: The techniques of implementation of clothes are considered the cornerstone in the way of fashion designer and sewing lovers .Their mastery requires of a lot of knowledge and skills and their foundations in addition to patience to repeat training, redoing and experience until the implemented piece reaches the required form. Methodology of the research: - This research follows the semi-experimental methodology due to its relevance to the objectives of the research and verifying its hypotheses.
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