Hamoud, M. (2018). The role of line and color in realizing movement in the design of printed textile hangings. International Design Journal, 8(2), 397-407. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.86139
Marwa Mamdouh Mostafa Hamoud. "The role of line and color in realizing movement in the design of printed textile hangings". International Design Journal, 8, 2, 2018, 397-407. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.86139
Hamoud, M. (2018). 'The role of line and color in realizing movement in the design of printed textile hangings', International Design Journal, 8(2), pp. 397-407. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.86139
Hamoud, M. The role of line and color in realizing movement in the design of printed textile hangings. International Design Journal, 2018; 8(2): 397-407. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.86139
The role of line and color in realizing movement in the design of printed textile hangings
Assistant Professor, Textile Printing, Dyeing& Finishing Dept., Faculty of Applied Arts, Faculty of Applied Arts, Beni Suef University
The movement represents the main factor in which man expresses himself either in the arts aspect or in other areas of life. In the artistic aspect, movement becomes the element that determines the launch of artistic work. The fun of art can only be achieved by an active movement emanating from the harmony of structural elements. The concept of movement differs from one art to another. In the arts of dance and acting, it involves objective movements (real) and has time limits, whereas other arts, which include static motionless positions, they include mental movements (virtual) existing in cognitive areas. Principles are the law that governs the relationships between elements that enable the artist to reach his goal and his desired objectives for the production of an integrated work of art. This is achieved through the interrelationships between the elements and the means of organization. Rhythm is an important organizational tool that is scattered vitality and artwork movement. Color and its various aesthetic and creative factors, which are achieved through its various degrees and values, the repetition of lines and shapes, and the changing of its directions, are all expressions that generate a sense of dynamic rhythm. Contrast and deceptive balance are an indispensable organizational means in the work of art, as contrast and contradiction are of the main sources to add the elements of movement and vitality to the work of art and the deceptive balance which is achieved through putting dissimilar elements in front of each other so that the elements are consistent, resulting in an internal movement in design. Based on the above we find that there is a relationship between the elements of design, especially font, color, movement, and means of regulation. The research problem is determined by how to produce printed textile hangings through a relationship between the elements of font, color and organizational means. The present research is based on the descriptive and analytical approach in describing and analyzing the deceptive movement and its relation to color and line in the printed textile hanging by producing six designs derived from the elements of marine organisms, in which cognitive movement is achieved by line and color merging manual printing and digital printing. Research objective: Demonstrate the positive interaction of line and color as key elements of the design that affect at each phase the achievement of movement, which designer constantly seeks. Results: 1 - The use of plastic possibilities of elements of color and line and interaction between them could be employed in creating the deceptive movement and visual illusion. 2 - There is a reciprocal relationship between line and color in varying degrees at times where the line is the basic element and at other times the color is the basis for the movement in the construction of the design of printed textile hanging. 3- The line as a plastic factor is of great importance in the design construction of the printed textile hanging and to show the deceptive movement. 4 - Despite the advantages of the use of digital printing, the merge between them and the use of manual printing resulted in the creation of new solutions and distinctive printed textiles adding aesthetic values and more mobility to the product.
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