Sheha, S., Attallah, A., Abdellah, O. (2018). low vision aids to help the visually impaired in clothing manufacturing learning manual techniques. International Design Journal, 8(3), 121-129. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.85342
Samah Ibrahim Sheha; Ahmed Ramzy Attallah; Ola Youssef Abdellah. "low vision aids to help the visually impaired in clothing manufacturing learning manual techniques". International Design Journal, 8, 3, 2018, 121-129. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.85342
Sheha, S., Attallah, A., Abdellah, O. (2018). 'low vision aids to help the visually impaired in clothing manufacturing learning manual techniques', International Design Journal, 8(3), pp. 121-129. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.85342
Sheha, S., Attallah, A., Abdellah, O. low vision aids to help the visually impaired in clothing manufacturing learning manual techniques. International Design Journal, 2018; 8(3): 121-129. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.85342
low vision aids to help the visually impaired in clothing manufacturing learning manual techniques
1Textile and Readymade garments instructor Directorate of Education, -Menoufia Governorate
2Assistant Professor, Department of clothing and textiles, Faculty of Home Economics-Menoufia University
3Professor Clothing and Textile Division, Faculty of Home Economics-Menoufia University
The study introduces new methods to assist the visually impaired with using sewing machines and learning manual techniques of ready-to-wear clothing The study was carried out on a sample of 18 persons who were visually impaired with visual acuity ranging from 6/60 to 6/24 with the use of medical glasses or contact lenses. The participants are regular visitorsof the charities working in the field of disability in Monufia Governorate. The experiment was conducted in the productive families' workshops affiliated to the Ministry of Social Affairs (taking into account the homogeneity of the sample members in terms of demographic and medical characteristics). The study followed the experimental design (pre-test and post-group test). The experiment lasted for six weeks,three days a week, where each session lasted for three hours a day for each single case. The results of the study show that There are non-physical differences among the feedback provided by the participants on the use of the visual aids, where the value (F) equals (0.46), which is statistically insignificant. There are physical differences between the average results of the cognitive tests before and after the training. The outcome is in favor of the post-cognitive test, where the value (T) equals (124.664), which is statistically significant at the level (0.05). There are physical differences between the average results of the skills gauging test before and after the use of the visual aids. The outcome is in favor of the post skills gauging test, where the value (T) equals (18.424), which is statistically significant at the level (0.05). There are physical differences between the average test durations of the skills test before and after the use of the visual aids. The outcome is in favor of the post skills-test, where the value (T) equals (22.698), which is statistically insignificant at the level (0.05).
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