El -Sawy, S. (2018). The impact of brand on the purchasing behavior of Egyptian youth towards ready-made clothes. International Design Journal, 8(4), 223-234. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.84705
Samah Mohamed Mohamed Ahmed El -Sawy. "The impact of brand on the purchasing behavior of Egyptian youth towards ready-made clothes". International Design Journal, 8, 4, 2018, 223-234. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.84705
El -Sawy, S. (2018). 'The impact of brand on the purchasing behavior of Egyptian youth towards ready-made clothes', International Design Journal, 8(4), pp. 223-234. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.84705
El -Sawy, S. The impact of brand on the purchasing behavior of Egyptian youth towards ready-made clothes. International Design Journal, 2018; 8(4): 223-234. doi: 10.21608/idj.2018.84705
The impact of brand on the purchasing behavior of Egyptian youth towards ready-made clothes
Lecturer of Ready-made Garments , Industrial Education Dept - Education Faculty – Helwan University
The study of consumer behavior in different countries of the world is receiving increasing attention in order to identify the demographic and psychological characteristics of consumers and to understand their future behavioral patterns, as well as determining the factors affecting their purchasing decisions related to goods and services that meet the needs and desires of different consumer groups in the target markets . The research problem: 1. How the extent to which university youth are aware of brands of the ready-made clothes ? 2. What is the impact of the brand dimensions "perceived benefits - perceived quality" on the purchasing behavior of university youth towards ready-made clothes ? 3 - What is the possibility of employing the most influential brands in new designs for sportswear accepted by young people ? 4- What are the opinions of specialists about the possibility of supporting the implemented proposed designs for the marketing of sportswear ? 5. What are the opinions of producers about the possibility of supporting the implemented proposed designs for the marketing of sportswear ? The research aims to : 1- Identify the extent to which university youth are aware of the brands of the ready-made clothes . 2 - Measure the impact of the dimensions of the brand "perceived benefits - perceived quality" on the purchasing behavior of the university youth towards ready-made clothes . 3 - Employ the most influential brands in new designs for sportswear accepted by young people. 4 -Identify the opinions of specialists about the possibility of supporting the implemented proposed designs for the marketing of sportswear . 5 - Identify the opinions of producers about the possibility of supporting the implemented proposed designs for the marketing of sportswear . The research has followed : descriptive analytical , applied experimental methodology to achieve the research objectives and answer its questions. Samples : * The first sample: male university youth in the age group ":18 -25 years" in some non-specialized colleges (Education, Social Work and Commerce) at Helwan University numbering "200". * The second sample consisted of (100) individuals, divided as follows: university youth "75 males", and "15 specialists of the faculty teaching members ", and a group of "10 people of sportswear producers" . results ,: 1- The brand is one of the main determinants of buying decision for university youth consumers. This is due to the knowledge acquired by young people through high education in its various fields as it causes a change in their behavior and trends and increases their tendency to enrich their cultures in various fields. Consequently it directly affects decision-making as opposed to lower educational levels. 2 - There is a positive impact of the dimensions of the brand (perceived benefits - perceived quality) in the university youth purchase decision making, and the strongest impact was perceived quality, which highlights the weakness of the real image of the national product, which youth consider less credible. 3 - The most known brands , achieving the perceived benefits and having a greater value for young people are those which consequently have more influence on the young people`s purchasing behavior , namely the marks (Adidas , Nike , C.K ,Tommy) . 4- The possibility of employing the most influential brands in new designs for sportswear accepted by young people, meet their requirements and conform to their directions, and suit the nature of the use, on the one hand, the available productive and economic potentials on the other, which supports the marketing of this type of clothing in the Egyptian market according to the opinions of (Youth, specialists and producers)..
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